Welcome to Simon’s Town. By enjoying your stay at our eco-lodge, you will be taking in the splendour and beauty of this part of Southern Africa, named by Sir Francis Drake as the Fairest Cape of all.
Taking in the natural beauty around, both the mountains and sea. You must visit the toy museum.
For anyone with keen naval interests, the ships of the S.A. Navy and Submarines sail past daily, and we will gladly arrange Navy Dockyard tours. We also sponsor preservation of sites, historical Holland and Britain, the “Victorian” village of Simonstown and its beautiful setting and naval heritage.
Enjoy our spectacular views. In front of you is the Boulders Marine Park, its penguins and, during June to October, a preserve of the Southern Right Whale. Watch as they blow, spy hop, breach and lob tail. Look out for the famous great white sharks of False Bay. Seal Island, where these sharks feed, can be seen from the balconies – we provide telescopes and binoculars, and for the more daring, we organise cage diving.. Behind you are the Swartkop Nature Reserve and only 9 km away, the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve at the tip of Cape Point.
We will gladly arrange tours of any of the attractions in the area should you be interested, and with our passion for all things marine, private dockyard tours and shark cage diving. Meet with members of the South African Ship Society SA, Naval Heritage Trust, and the Simonstown Historical Society. The Victorian village of Simonstown is a “must see”…